Morrison | Mexico Is Making A Difference Through ANSPAC Partnership
In the Community: Morrison | Mexico Is Making A Difference Through ANSPAC Partnership
As a commitment to the communities in which it serves, Morison | Mexico began sponsoring the National Association for the Improvement of the Human Person (ANSPAC) program in May of 2007.
ANSPAC promotes social advancement for working adults through educational programs on self-esteem and self-actualization. Since its founding in 1974, ANSPAC has run a curriculum focused on enhancing family values by teaching local business volunteers (such as the wives of business executives) and giving them the tools to share this knowledge with their peers.
The ANSPAC program includes basic, advanced and teacher courses, each with a duration of one year. The women’s program consists of one four-hour weekly session where students take human growth, moral and handcrafts classes.
This relationship has only continued to grow. Today, Morrison | Mexico has ANSPAC units in Alvarado, downtown Veracruz, at the Veracruz port, and at Morrison | Mexico’s Alvarado facilities. Additionally, since becoming a supporter in 2007, approximately 1,440 women have completed the basic and advanced programs, 29 teachers have participated in its courses and three women have completed all of their courses to become “cheerleaders” of the units. Consequently, if this number is extended to include the families of these women, the organization estimates that more than 5,760 people have been positively affected by Morrison | Mexico’s support.
“We wish to express our appreciation for [Morrison’s] collaboration and participation in support of the improvement programs offered by our association, which promote the values that contribute to the continuous development of the person, to form better families, better communities and as a consequence a better Mexico,” states Mrs. Patricia Kern de Garcia, President and Ms. Rebeca Ramírez, Vice-President of ANSPAC.
Because of the collaborative effort of all parties involved, Morrison | Mexico is proud to have been awarded eight Veracruz regional awards and one national recognition for its ANSPAC units.
Morrison | Mexico continues to strengthen its bond with ANSPAC and its initiatives to leave a lasting mark in the community. Together, we can make positive change a reality.