Offshore + Deepwater

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TSA™, a new system for cathodic protection

Offshore Locations

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Morrison, De Nora and Cescor have teamed up in the field of Cathodic Protection Retrofit of offshore platforms, providing a complete package that includes:

  • Advanced design and modeling
  • Supply and manufacturing of top quality anodes and CP components
  • Installation works and maintenance services

Morrison will be contributing procurement services, logistics, construction, installation and maintenance, while Cescor will handle site surveys, design, supervision and commissioning. De Nora is responsible for manufacturing and supply.

The impressed current TSA system offers the following advantages with respect to galvanic anodes and other retrofit solutions:

  • Simple and cost-effective installation
  • Excellent current and potential distribution
  • Easy monitoring of system performance
  • Robustness and long-term reliability

The Tensioned String Anode (TSA™) technology developed by De Nora, provides an efficient and cost-effective cathodic protection retrofit for in-service offshore platforms. Steel platforms that experience anode deterioration can benefit tremendously from this type of intervention, and the life of the platform can be extended.

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