Morrison was contracted by Crowley Marine to assist in the installation of customer Furie’s Kitchen Lights natural gas production platform and underwater pipeline in Cook Inlet, Alaska. The project required the installation of a subsea natural gas gathering pipeline connecting the platform to the onshore production facility.
Morrison was enlisted lead the installation of 83,000-feet of 10-inch-diameter pipeline in 130-feet of water depth, which would connect the offshore production platform to the onshore production facility. In order to accomplish this, Morrison outfitted our pipelaying equipment on a 260-foot by 72-foot deck barge called the Nilnilchik, complete with on-board stations to assemble nearly 16 miles pipe.
Tides in Cook Inlet, Alaska, where the Nilnilchik was stationed, are renowned for their extremes, rising and falling by up to 35-feet every six hours. Despite the environmental challenges, the project was a success.
First-of-its-kind is kind of our thing.
When it comes to solving complex problems, the Morrison team has it covered – even in uncharted waters. We’re known for our work throughout the Gulf of Mexico and beyond, but one recent project took us somewhere we’d never been before: the icy waters off the coast of Alaska. Read More